The department of Anesthesiology offers 3 positions of residency training program each year with the following detail.
A. Two positions are allocated to the 4-year program. This 4-year program consists of
a. 12-month internship rotation in internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, OBGYN, orthopedics, emergency department, and community-based practice. These rotations are based at HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center.
b. 35-month anesthesia and anesthesia-related rotations including compulsory on-site and affiliated-institution rotations
c. 1-month free elective
Details of the full program are available here.
Eligible applicants to this program are current Year 6 (or equivalent) medical students from medical schools in Thailand who have passed the National Licensing Examination part I and II. Enrolling process is based on the interview in-person.
B. One position is a 36-month program reserved for the applicants who have had a contract of post-training practice with the government or public organizations. This 36-month program consists of activities described in b and c aforementioned.
Interviewees from Program A and B who are accepted for the resident positions will be required to submit qualification document before commencing the training program. Details of document are available here.
Should the applicants request an appeal of the result of residentship selection, please be aware of the appeal process and submit the form accordingly.
Those who have completed the residency program without any record of misconduct or ethical breach will be eligible for Certified Board Examination in Anesthesiology. The examination is a joint-cooperation between the Thai Medical Council and the Royal College of Anesthesiologists of Thailand (RCAT).